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If you need to trace a missing beneficiary of a Will this site may provide you with useful information. You will also find information on Births, Marriages & Deaths. It also aims to help you find the government records and other sources you need for your family history research.
Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading charity in the UK specialising in bereavement. They currently have 178 branches and over 6,300 volunteers throughout the UK. Over 100,000 people contact Cruse each year for help and information.
The NHS Organ Donor Register is a confidential, computerised database operated and maintained by UK Transplant. The register ensures that when a person dies they can immediately identified as someone who's chosen to donate their organs for transplant.
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) CAF can make arranging a charitable legacy easy and flexible. All you have to do is make a gift to CAF in your Will, and let CAF know which charities you wish to pass your gift on to. Leaving a Legacy to Charity.
Stewardship is a community of generous stewards who use their gifts to support the causes they care about and love. Learn how to give and activate your generosity with Stewardship, a trusted platform for Christian giving and philanthropy
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43 Tewit Well Road,
North Yorkshire, HG2 8JJ
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